Faith, Friendships & Family


My name is Carol Zartman and, fortunately, I discovered Camp Hebron
about 17 years ago when our son and I came to Moms and Tots Camp during the summer.  We both instantly fell in love with this beautiful God-centered
sanctuary.  From the moment I stepped out of the car and was warmly greeted by 5 smiling counselors who helped us in with our bags, I knew this place was going to have an important and lasting impact on our lives.  Jonathan was also immediately hooked by the counselor's fun and loving ways! 

At Camp, we always feel welcome, special and loved.  Whether it's the kitchen
staff preparing delicious home-cooked meals, the speakers sharing Godly
teachings and advice, or the energetic counselors loving on our children, we
feel right at home.  I have also made long-lasting friendships at
Camp, encountering women who pray for me, celebrate with me, even cry with me.  I look forward to reconnecting with these dear friends whenever I attend a Camp Hebron retreat.

Besides attending Moms and Tots for 11 years with our children Jonathan
and Hannah, I've come to the Winter Scrapbook Weekend for over 8 years, the
Creation Weekend with our whole family, have camped down by the lake, and
most recently, Hannah and I have been coming to the Mother/Daughter Slumber
.  What a great experience connecting with my teenage daughter!  We
both look so forward to spending one-on-one quality time together.  So much
that Hannah won't let me invite any of our friends to join us because she
wants us just to focus on each other! We pray, read the bible, hike, ride
horses, play soccer, jog, laugh, hug, and snuggle together. What more can a
mom ask for!  Jonathan continued coming to cabin camps in the summer and
Hannah loves telling people she's come for Camp all 13 years of her life and
doesn't ever plan on missing a year since she wants to be a counselor at
Camp Hebron one day.

As I look back over the years coming to Camp Hebron, the most important
thing that Camp has helped me with is strengthening my relationship with my
Lord.  Camp's given me so many opportunities to open His Word and the ability to dig in and learn what it means to be a follower of Christ, love others and serve
Him.  I've also seen how cool it is to be a Christian; noticing God's hand
at work in our daily lives; praying to a Heavenly Father who loves me more
that I can imagine, and knowing that without Him, I have nothing.  I have
Camp to thank for this knowledge and understanding, God, the people,
beautiful environment and experiences here which have taught me these things.  I
pray that Camp will do that for you too!